
Osbeckia capitata

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Osbeckia capitata为接受名
科属名称:Melastomataceae(野牡丹科)  金锦香属
形态描述:直立草本或亚灌木,高8-25厘米扩茎四棱形,被疏紧贴的糙伏毛,从基部分枝。叶片坚纸质,卵形,顶端急尖,基部圆形或近心形,长1.7-2.5厘米,宽0.9-1.3厘米,全缘,两面被糙伏毛,5基出脉,叶面叶脉下凹,背面隆起,细脉不明显;叶柄几无,被糙伏毛。头 状花序,顶生,有花2-3朵,基部具叶状总苞2-4枚;苞片卵形,具刺毛状缘毛,两面无毛 或仅背面中肋被疏糙伏毛;无花梗;花萼长1.5厘米,通常带红色,无毛,裂片4,卵形,与萼管等长,具缘毛,仅各裂片间外缘具1有刺毛突起,通常随萼片脱落;花瓣紫红色或较浅,倒卵形,长约1.5厘米;雄蕊常偏向1侧,花丝与花药等长,花药黄色,顶部具长喙,喙长为花药之半,药隔向前方呈小瘤,向后方微膨大呈短距;子房卵形,顶端有刚毛16-20条。蒴果卵形,4纵裂;宿存萼坛状,顶端平截,直径约7毫米,无毛。花果期6-9月。
1 中国植物志,v53(1) 142  BHL中国
2 The Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany. v.28 (1891) 1891 59  BHL全球
3 The Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany. v.28 (1891) 1891 445  BHL全球
4 Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. v.56 (1921) 1921 584  BHL全球
5 Bulletin de la Société botanique de France. v.60 (1913) 1913 365  BHL全球
6 The flora of British India /By J. D. Hooker assisted by various botanists. Published under the authority of the secretary of state for India in council. v.2 (1879) 1879 516  BHL全球
7 Symbolae sinicae :botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China, 1914-1918 /herausgegeben von Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti ; unter mitarbeit von Viktor Brotherus ... [et al.]. v.7 pt.4-5 1936 1422  BHL全球
8 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. v.25 (1944) 1944 BHL全球
9 Notulae systematicae. v.1-2 (1909-1911) 399  BHL全球
10 The flora of British India /By J. D. Hooker assisted by various botanists. Published under the authority of the secretary of state for India in council. v.2 (1879) 516  BHL全球
11 A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings; by the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock. 1 544  BHL全球
12 A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings; by the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock. 1 545  BHL全球
13 A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings; by the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock. 2 详情  BHL全球
14 Transactions of the Linnean Society. v.28 (1873) 1873 183  BHL全球
15 Anzeiger / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. jahrg. 56-57 1919-20 33  BHL全球
16 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden v.75 (1988) 1988 283  BHL全球
17 Notulae systematicae. v.2 (1911) 1911 399  BHL全球
18 Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. v. 7 1912-13 1912-1913 233  BHL全球
19 Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. v. 7 1912-13 1912-1913 318  BHL全球
20 Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. v. 7 1912-13 1912-1913 379  BHL全球